The Shrine Of The Heart

Friday, June 17, 2005

The platoon outing was a far more subdued affair than I had envisaged...

But we had a good time nonetheless...

It was great to catch up with people like Marc, Yishan and Boey...I've not seen them for some time, so it was wonderful just having them over for dinner...Boey is going overseas to study soon...I certainly hope to meet him a few more times before he flies off...Edwin Quek and him were really our De Facto elder brothers in camp...And who can forget Marc kor? The smooth-as-butter ladies' man...haha...another funny dude

I'd like to thank people like Jason, Ah Don, Alen and Wei Quan...It was nice having you guys join us...I hope you enjoyed yourselves too...I was certainly very glad that you guys came to make the whole dinner thingie more lively.

Hmm...I caught Mr. and Mrs Smith with Gen and Esther...I do have a mixed opinion about the whole movie...The fast-and-furious pace of the movie certainly took my breath away...I was particularly impressed by the pyrotechnic-filled highway chase scene...The acrobatics that the stunt drivers performed were strong proofs of the stunt choregraphers' imaginativeness...Can you imagine cars somersaulting and sailing in the air as if they just vaulted from some gigantic trampoline? The gratuitous explosions and generous serving of flying scrap metal created a sense of mayhem and a very anarchic mood! Hell Yeah!

Also noteworthy was the sizzling hot chemistry between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie...To borrow a cliched expression used by throngs of entertainment writers, "Angelina Jolie was oozing with sex appeal from every pore"...As for the chiselled and rugged-looking Mr Pitt...he looked like a modern incarnation of the Greek God Appollo...The Casting Directors are very shrewd people...It takes common sense to put two attractive people of the opposite sex in the movie...but it takes a genius to find two people who complement each other like Vermouth and Gin in a Martini!

What I simply could not tolerate was the shoddy and shallow storyline...It was a hacknyed disaster...The scripwriter ought to be shot for his lacklustre treatment of what could have been a cult hit...The script was flat and uninspired...relying solely on a series of explosive assasination attempts to move the events in the movie...The protagonists remained one-dimensional characters throughout the movie, experiencing little character development...they don't show any emotional growth or change their attitudes towards each other...well, except for the part where they toss their weapons aside and have make up sex...The predictability of the plot implies that the producers have to depend heavily on the visual effects in order to captivate the audience and keep it riveted to their seats...

and boy was I stuck to the edge of my seat!!!...hahaha...

On a more sombre note, I managed to catch up with Xu Wen sometime in the week...She looks really drained and's probably the stress of starting work...i did manage to make her i guess i brightened her life for awhile...Take care gal. hope you feel better.

Ah...what a week...

a picnic that evolved to become an evening spent sipping drinks by the riverside...lunch with my family at a restaurant with colonial trimmings...the usual movie-and-kopi outings...suppers...and steamboat buffet with my brothers...

I truly enjoyed myself this week!


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