The Shrine Of The Heart

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bitten by the flu bug...

Lying in bed now. I really hope that my neighbour stops playing his accordion or whatever satanic musical instrument he is playing now...I can't get any rest because it sounds as if a goat is being eviscerated in the house next door.

How can anybody tahan that odious noise!

Anyway, I've got two little spires of wet tissue shoved up my nostrils like a pair of soggy tampons...utterly miserable, poor little me.

Actually, the flu is not so bad. Lying around in bed in a feverish haze is probably a little like getting high on pot...You feel all light and floaty! It's the ulcers that are giving me hell. I get ulcers all the time but this time, I have a crater under my tongue and another one at the tip of my tongue.

I wonder if I should go for the beach bash tommorow...It's a Hobson's choice, really. If I don't go, people will talk. If I turn up but meet everyone with my shagged, fevered face, people will wonder what's wrong with me...I'd definitely put everyone off with my bad vibes.

So how?


Blogger xiaoke88 said...

tough luck, getting sick on nat. day. jus remember to get plenty of rest and take some chicken soup, it work wonders!

11:29 PM  

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